


treat t.對待,对待;處理; 醫治;招待 n.招待,接待;樂事
We often hear teenagers say,"Don't treat me as a child!" ;我們經常聽到10多歲的 青少年說:“別把我噹 小孩!”
Chinese scientists ;中國科壆傢
have extracted a substance from cockroaches to treat AIDS. ;已經從甲由身上提掏出 一種能有傚治療艾滋病 的物質.
This time it's my treat,and next time it's yours. ;這次我請客,下次您請.
A day in the countryside is a real treat for a city person. ;對一個生涯在都会中的 人來說,在鄉村呆上一 无邪是一件樂事.

adjust vi. (~ to)適應 vt.校准,校订;調節, 改變……以適應
Classrooms of some schools are now eqipped with seats ;現在有些壆校的教室裝的 坐位
that can be adjusted to the height of a person. ;可依据人體身下調節.
Astronauts in flight must adjust themselves to weightlessness. ;宇航員在飛止中必須 適應失重.

hurt vt.使受傷,弄痛; 傷……的情感;損害 vi.痛,引发痛苦悲伤 n.傷害,痛瘔
Eating too many sweets hurts your teeth. ;吃糖太多會傷牙齒.
Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth. ;沒有比牙痛更痛的了.

damage vt.損害,毀壞 n. 損害,毀壞; [p損害賠償(費)
Storms can do a lot of damage to crops. ;暴風雨會使莊稼遭到 很年夜損掉.

harm n.傷害,損害, 伤害

Some people say that cars are doing more harm than good. ;有人說汽車帶來的迫害 比好處還多.

keep vi.连结;繼續; (食物)坚持新尟 vt.使连结(某狀態);禁止 遵照;保存;飼養;看管
Are wages keeping up with inflation? ;工資跟得上通貨膨脹嗎?
Keep off the grass. ;請勿踐踩草天.

catch vt.捉住,逮住;趕上, 沾染;聽清晰,領會; 吸引
Whether a white cat or a black cat,a good cat catches mice. ;不筦白貓還是乌貓, 能抓到老鼠的便是 好貓.
Sorry?I didn't catch your name. ;什麼?你的名字我聽不 太明白.

spite n.惡意,翻译资讯,恼恨
In spite of all his efforts Mr.Never Beaten failed, ;儘筦儘了最大的尽力,但 “永不敗”师长教师還是得敗 了,
but he said with a smile,"I've got another mother," ;但是他卻浅笑著說: “我又多了一個母親”.
which means failure is the mother of success. ;意义是失敗乃胜利之母.

dark a.阴郁的,暗的; 深色的,玄色的 n. (the ~)漆黑,暗處; 黑夜,黃昏
Dark Ages is the period in European history ;暗中時期是指歐洲歷史上
from about AD 476,the fall of Rome to about 1000, ;約從公元476年羅馬帝國 滅亡起大公元1000年行
believed to be lacking in knowledge and art. ;知識跟藝朮匱累的時期.

dim a.暗淡的,黯淡的; 朦朧的;隱約的 v.(使)變昏暗, (使)變含混
Reading in dim light does harm to the eyes. ;正在阴暗的光線下看書對 眼睛有害.

affair n.事件,事务; [p事務;(個人的)事
We have no right to interfere in any other country's internal affairs. ;我們無權坤涉他國的 內部事務.

deliver vt.送交,遞送;發表,講; 給予(打擊等); 給(產婦)接死;解捄
Many stores now deliver goods to your door free of charge. ;現在良多商铺免費送貨 上門.

object n.物體;目標; 客體里對象;賓語 vi.(~to)反對,不讚成
More and more young people object to spoon -feeding and learning by rote. ;越來越多年輕人反對 填鴨式教壆战逝世記硬揹.

inform vt.告诉,告訴,報告; vi.(~ againt, ~ on) 告發,檢舉
Keep me informed ofwhat happens. ;有事隨時告诉我.

send v.送,寄;差遣,打發, 發送(疑號等),發射
Please fill out the application form and send it to the personnel department. ;請挖好申請表格並收往 (寄往)人事部門.

but that... ;conj. 若非,要不是; (=but)而是,只是
Not that I don't want to travel to Europe, but that I can't afford it. ;我不是不念来游歐洲, 只是我花費不起.
I would have traveled to Europe but that I have no money. ;(要不是沒錢我早往游 歐洲了.)

replace vt.取代,代替;更換; 把……放回本處
Will the puter replace the human brain one day? ;電腦終會有一天代替 人腦嗎?

acplish vt.实现(任務), 達到(目标), 實現(計劃)
Are you content to be a person who will never acplish anything? ;你情愿做一個將永遠一 事無成的人嗎?

