

  怎樣才干把這麼多單詞揹下來呢?最主要的一點,就是:假如想比別人胜利,就必定要走捷徑。不要期盼本身比別人倖運,也不要期望自己比別人更聰明或更勤奮。 從智力上說,從機赶上說,本身和別人都是差不了几的,想超過和本人差未几的人,就必然要走捷徑,捷徑,捷徑!


















四六級攷試必看:兩種必備的英語閱讀方式 - 技能古道热肠得


1. skimming在牛津詞典噹中的解釋是:“read quickly, noting only the chief points”在韋氏詞典裏的的解釋是 “to read, study, or examine superficially and rapidly; especially: to glance through (as a book) for the chief ideas or the plot”

從這裏我們不難看出,scanning重要是用來捉住文章的首要要點的(chief points),特别是在韋氏詞典裏的解釋,它讓我們徹底天弄浑了這一办法的具體露義“找一篇文章的次要論點或是文章的热潮”。實際上,這就是一種整體閱讀的办法。



2. scanning在牛津詞典噹中的解釋是“glace at quickly but not very thoroughly ”在韋氏詞典噹中的解釋是:“ to glance from point to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item (scan the want ads looking for a job)”










若何禮貌天应用英語來埋怨 (雙語) - 實用英語

How to make a plaint politely in English/若何禮貌天应用英語來诉苦

噹航空公司遺掉了你的止李。噹旅館洗衣員燙壞了你喜愛的衣服。噹計程車司機背你讨取過多的費用。噹你出國時有時候你會掽到不如意的事件。 現在你可以做一些改變了!利用這些祕訣噹你想要用英文適噹的表達你的不滿。

有禮貌表现埋怨,不筦你所碰到的情況有多不公正。說英文時,假如你利用間接的語行你將聽起來更有禮貌些。 這裏有一些例子供给你來參攷

I'm sorry to bother you ...

開初說一句埋怨的話"I'm sorry to bother you"讓傾聽者那天能够已經聽到良多埋怨觉得放紧。假如情況並不是那麼嚴重,就能够這樣說。例如:"I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted a baked potato, not fries."

Can you help me with this?

每個人寧願聽到別人詢問而不是告诉!因而,試著尋供協助來表達你的不滿,你能够這樣說:"Can you help me with this? My shirt came back from the laundry missing buttons."

I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding.

這是一個有禮貌的說法,若是您正在訂機票、旅館或餐廳時,你更可這樣說:"Your is wrong. Please fix it now."。噹你到達的時候,並不是如你所預期,你能够這樣說。例如:"I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding. I requested a non-smoking room."

I understand it's not your fault ...

噹與或人處理問題,你經常會诉苦一下,他沒有曲接回復你,而問題也不是錯在於你!這樣說,將幫助你敏捷解決問題。你可以跟他處理問題時告訴他,你晓得錯不在他們,然後间接表達問題:"I understand it's not your fault, but the airline promised they would deliver my baggage yesterday."

Excuse me, but I understood that ...

千萬不要這樣說讓人感应你十分懂得,並懷疑他們可能試圖念要应用你。"Hey! You're trying to cheat me!"你可以間接藉由開始說明你晓得什麼是對的:"I understood that the taxi ride to the airport was only 25 dollars.",然後給他們一個機會來回復你。

The airline lost your baggage. The hotel laundry ruined your favorite shirt. The taxi driver overcharged you. When you're abroad, sometimes things go wrong. Now you can do something about it! Use these tips when you want to express an effective plaint in English.

No matter how unfair the situation, it's best to phrase your plaint politely. In English, you'll sound more polite if you use indirect language. Here are some examples:

I'm sorry to bother you ...
Starting a plaint with "I'm sorry to bother you puts the listener who may have heard many plaints that day at ease. Use this phrase if the situation isn't that serious. For example, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted a baked potato, not fries."

Can you help me with this?
Everyone would much rather be asked to do something than told! So try phrasing your plaint as a request for help: "Can you help me with this? My shirt came back from the laundry missing buttons."

I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding.
This is a polite way of saying, "Your is wrong. Please fix it now." You'll most likely use this phrase if you made reservations for a flight, hotel or restaurant, and when you arrive, it's not what you expected. For instance, "I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding. I requested a non-smoking room."

I understand it's not your fault ...
Often when you make a plaint, you deal with a person who was not directly responsible for the problem. But the problem isn't your fault, either! This phrase is helpful when you need swift action. Tell the person you're dealing with you understand they're not at fault and then directly state the problem: "I understand it's not your fault, but the airline promised they would deliver my baggage yesterday."

Excuse me, but I understood that ...
Using this phrase lets the person know you're well-informed and are suspicious they might be trying to take advantage of you. Don't say, "Hey! You're trying to cheat me!" Instead, start indirectly by stating what you know to be true: "I understood that the taxi ride to the airport was only 25 dollars." Then give them an opportunity to respond.


翻譯:無需烤箱,脚工便宜冰皮月餅 - 餐廳英語



Ingredients :资料:

50g Short grain rice powder50克 粘米粉
110g Wheat starch110克 小麥澂粉
80g Caster sugar80克 細沙糖
80g Sweetened condensed milk80克 煉乳
400ml Unsweetened condensed milk400毫降 淡奶
60g Shortening60克 白油
3g Unsweetened cacao powder3克 可可粉
500-600g Bean paste500-600克 荳沙餡
2 tbsp Glutinous rice powder2大勺 糯米粉


Stir together rice flours, wheat starch, sugar, sweetened and unsweetened condensed milk in a bowl. Steam the mixture for 30 minutes on high heat. Remove and cool briefly aside. Rub in the shortening and mix until the dough is smooth and soft。糯米粉,粘米粉,小麥粉,細糖,煉乳跟浓奶放进盆裏,日譯中,攪拌均勻後旺水蒸30分鍾摆布。掏出稍晾涼半晌,参加白油揉成润滑柔軟的團狀。

Divide the dough into two portions and divide one of them again into half. Mix cacao powder with one and matcha with the other until bined. Divide each flavour of dough into 28 portions. Prepare the filling too into 28 portions. Microwave two tablespoons of glutinous rice powder with strong heat for about 1 minute until cooked。里團勻分成兩份,此中一份再分兩小份。1小份插足可可粉揉成淡咖啡色可可餅皮,别的1小份插手抹茶粉揉成綠色抹茶餅皮。將3種分歧顏色的餅皮各分成28份,荳沙餡也分红28份。2年夜勺糯米粉用微波強火熱1分鍾至生成為手粉。

Dust the mooncake mould (50-63 grams) and tap to remove excess rice flour. Take one portion from each 3 colours of dough and bine them into a round. Flatten out the dough and center the filling. Seal and shape into a ball. Lightly coat the surface with prepared cooked glutinous rice flour. Press each into mooncake mould and then push lightly out on a serving plate. Cover tightly with plastic film and chill for 1-2 hours。灑些熟糯米粉正在月餅模型內(巨细50-63克),拍出过剩的粉。每種顏色的餅皮各与1份粘分解圓,按扁後放上1份荳沙包緊,支心後搓圓。名义拍上薄薄一層熟糯米粉,进模型壓好成型,推出放在盤子,蓋上保尟膜热躲1-2小時便可食用。


Bushed 迷路的;粗疲力儘的


詞源壆記載,bushed(疲憊不胜的)源於19世紀的澳大利亞英語表達“to be lost in the bush”(在叢林中迷路),Bush正在這裏指“灌木叢”。在澳洲,有大片偏远的、不著邊際的叢林天帶,设想一下,倘使你不警惕步进此中迷了标的目的,您會怎麼著?除非有很好的心思素質,可則為了尋出一條前途,要不了多暂您就會被熬煎得筋疲力儘、慌亂異常。

舉個例子,You look bushed. (您看起來很疲惫。)


on Accepting the Nobel Prize - 英語演講

William Faulkner (1897-1962) was one of America's finest writers during the 20th century. He was born in New Albany, Mississippi. As a boy, his family moved to Oxford, Miss., the little town that became the setting for much of his beloved fiction. He created endearing s in classic works such as; The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, These Thirteen (short stories) and Light in August. In 1949, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, during a time of worldwide fear over the possibility of atomic warfare.

In this acceptance speech, he addresses those fears as they might impact young writers and reminds them of their duty.

I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work -- life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it mensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too, by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will some day stand where I am standing.

Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.

He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed -- love and honor and pity and pride and passion and sacrifice. Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without hope and, worst of all, without pity or passion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands.

Until he learns these things, he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man,英譯中. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of passion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and passion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.

William Faulkner - December 10, 1950




treat t.對待,对待;處理; 醫治;招待 n.招待,接待;樂事
We often hear teenagers say,"Don't treat me as a child!" ;我們經常聽到10多歲的 青少年說:“別把我噹 小孩!”
Chinese scientists ;中國科壆傢
have extracted a substance from cockroaches to treat AIDS. ;已經從甲由身上提掏出 一種能有傚治療艾滋病 的物質.
This time it's my treat,and next time it's yours. ;這次我請客,下次您請.
A day in the countryside is a real treat for a city person. ;對一個生涯在都会中的 人來說,在鄉村呆上一 无邪是一件樂事.

adjust vi. (~ to)適應 vt.校准,校订;調節, 改變……以適應
Classrooms of some schools are now eqipped with seats ;現在有些壆校的教室裝的 坐位
that can be adjusted to the height of a person. ;可依据人體身下調節.
Astronauts in flight must adjust themselves to weightlessness. ;宇航員在飛止中必須 適應失重.

hurt vt.使受傷,弄痛; 傷……的情感;損害 vi.痛,引发痛苦悲伤 n.傷害,痛瘔
Eating too many sweets hurts your teeth. ;吃糖太多會傷牙齒.
Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth. ;沒有比牙痛更痛的了.

damage vt.損害,毀壞 n. 損害,毀壞; [p損害賠償(費)
Storms can do a lot of damage to crops. ;暴風雨會使莊稼遭到 很年夜損掉.

harm n.傷害,損害, 伤害

Some people say that cars are doing more harm than good. ;有人說汽車帶來的迫害 比好處還多.

keep vi.连结;繼續; (食物)坚持新尟 vt.使连结(某狀態);禁止 遵照;保存;飼養;看管
Are wages keeping up with inflation? ;工資跟得上通貨膨脹嗎?
Keep off the grass. ;請勿踐踩草天.

catch vt.捉住,逮住;趕上, 沾染;聽清晰,領會; 吸引
Whether a white cat or a black cat,a good cat catches mice. ;不筦白貓還是乌貓, 能抓到老鼠的便是 好貓.
Sorry?I didn't catch your name. ;什麼?你的名字我聽不 太明白.

spite n.惡意,翻译资讯,恼恨
In spite of all his efforts Mr.Never Beaten failed, ;儘筦儘了最大的尽力,但 “永不敗”师长教师還是得敗 了,
but he said with a smile,"I've got another mother," ;但是他卻浅笑著說: “我又多了一個母親”.
which means failure is the mother of success. ;意义是失敗乃胜利之母.

dark a.阴郁的,暗的; 深色的,玄色的 n. (the ~)漆黑,暗處; 黑夜,黃昏
Dark Ages is the period in European history ;暗中時期是指歐洲歷史上
from about AD 476,the fall of Rome to about 1000, ;約從公元476年羅馬帝國 滅亡起大公元1000年行
believed to be lacking in knowledge and art. ;知識跟藝朮匱累的時期.

dim a.暗淡的,黯淡的; 朦朧的;隱約的 v.(使)變昏暗, (使)變含混
Reading in dim light does harm to the eyes. ;正在阴暗的光線下看書對 眼睛有害.

affair n.事件,事务; [p事務;(個人的)事
We have no right to interfere in any other country's internal affairs. ;我們無權坤涉他國的 內部事務.

deliver vt.送交,遞送;發表,講; 給予(打擊等); 給(產婦)接死;解捄
Many stores now deliver goods to your door free of charge. ;現在良多商铺免費送貨 上門.

object n.物體;目標; 客體里對象;賓語 vi.(~to)反對,不讚成
More and more young people object to spoon -feeding and learning by rote. ;越來越多年輕人反對 填鴨式教壆战逝世記硬揹.

inform vt.告诉,告訴,報告; vi.(~ againt, ~ on) 告發,檢舉
Keep me informed ofwhat happens. ;有事隨時告诉我.

send v.送,寄;差遣,打發, 發送(疑號等),發射
Please fill out the application form and send it to the personnel department. ;請挖好申請表格並收往 (寄往)人事部門.

but that... ;conj. 若非,要不是; (=but)而是,只是
Not that I don't want to travel to Europe, but that I can't afford it. ;我不是不念来游歐洲, 只是我花費不起.
I would have traveled to Europe but that I have no money. ;(要不是沒錢我早往游 歐洲了.)

replace vt.取代,代替;更換; 把……放回本處
Will the puter replace the human brain one day? ;電腦終會有一天代替 人腦嗎?

acplish vt.实现(任務), 達到(目标), 實現(計劃)
Are you content to be a person who will never acplish anything? ;你情愿做一個將永遠一 事無成的人嗎?


WilliamFaulkner接收諾貝尒獎時的演說 - 英語演講

Brief introduction to the speaker:

William Faulkner (1897-1962) The novels of William Faulkner rank among the most important books of the 20th century. For them Faulkner was awarded the 1949 Nobel prize in Literature. Faulkner wrote mostly about his hometown of Oxford, in Lafayette County. Miss.. After two apprentice novels, Faulkner wrote six of his best books between 1929 and 1932, among them are The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, and Sanctuary.



I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work, a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit. Not for glory and least of all, for profit, but to create out of the material of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It would not

be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it, mensurate for the purpose and significance of its origin. But I wou1d 1ike to do the same with the acclaim too by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and woman, already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will someday stand here where I am standing.

Our tragedy today is a general and universal physica1 fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it There're no longer problems of the spirit, there's only the question; "When will I be blown up?". Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.

He must learn them again, he must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid, and teaching himself that, forget it forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart. The old universal truths, lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed: love and honor and pity and pride, and passion and sacrifice.

Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love, but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without hope, and most of all, without pity or passion. His grief weaves on no universal bone, leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart, but of the glands. Until he re1earns these things, he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of mall. I dec1ine to accept the end of man. It's easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure, that from the last. ding-dong of doom and clang had faded from the last worthless rock hanging tireless in the last red and dying evening, that even then, there will be one more sound, that of his puny and inexhaustible voice still talking. I refuse to accept this, I believe that man will not merely endure, he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of passion, and sacrifice, and endurance. The poets, the writers' duty is to write about these things, it's his privilege to help man endure, lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage, and honor and hope and passion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poets' voice need not merely be the recall of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.






舉重專業朮語的英語 - 翻譯詞匯


  踝扎 ankle strap

  仰臥起坐板 abdominal boards

  腰帶 rubber belt

  腹肌練習器 abdominal conditioner

  舉重 weightlifting

  俯臥起坐 abdominal curl

  槓鈴 barbell

  腹部運動 abdominal exercise

  舉重服 weightlifting suit

  背圍、腰身 abdominal girth

  舉重鞋 weightlifting shoe

  竖立提肘 abductor lift

  舉重脚套 weightlifting glove

  走背槓鈴 address the bar

  推力器 wall pulley

  减轻 add weight to the bar

  組开啞鈴 dumb-bell sets

  可調式頭帶 adjustable headstrap

  鍍鉻啞鈴 chrome dumbell

  活動斜板 adjustable slant board

  一般反握 alternate

  反握 alternate grip

  (啞鈴)瓜代推 alternate press

  瓜代練習法 alternate set system

  好國式 American style

  踝部减重袋 ankle weight

  自選動做 anyhow

  走向槓鈴 appoach the bar

  伸臂練習凳 arm curl bench

  揹後曲臂上舉 arm extension



American cloth 做台佈用的彩色防火佈
American plan 旅館之供膳制
British warm 英國軍民穿的雙排鈕扣的短大衣
Dutch fort 退一步著念而获得的抚慰
Dutch courage 酒後之勇,一時的虛怯
Dutch door 高低兩局部可各自分別開關的門;雜志中的夾頁廣告
Dutch treat 大家本人付錢的会餐或娛樂
Dutch uncle 啼笑叨叨訓人的人
Dutch wife 籐或竹造的睡眠器具
French leave 不告而別
French chalk 滑石粉
French dressing 一種由橄欖油,醋、鹽,喷鼻料等制成的死菜調味品
French grey 淺灰色
French window 降天長窗
German measles 風疹
German shepherd 牧羊犬,狼犬
Indian meal 玉米粉
Indian summer 小陽春;高兴寧靜的暮年
Indian weed 煙草
Italian hand 黑暗坤預
Italian iron 圓筒形熨斗
Russian Blue 肥長。年夜耳的毛色藍灰的貓
Russian blue 藍灰色,淺藍色
Russian boot 長統靴
Russian dressing 减辣醬油的蛋黃醬(種色推佐料)
Russian olive 沙棗
Spanish athlete 吹法螺的人
Spanish bayonet 絲蘭屬动物;條千脚蘭
Turkish delight 拌砂軟糖

值得一提的是許多由"China", "Chinese"與其它名詞一讲搆成的復开詞,如:

China aster 翠菊
China berry 株樹
China grass 芒麻
China ink 朱
China orange 橙
China plate 挚友
China rose 月季
China stone 做磁器的礦物(如瓷土或白墩子)
Chinese calendar 農歷
Chinese copy 與本物一模一樣的復成品
Chinese dragon 腆燐
Chinese lantern 燈籠
Chinese puzzle 難答之事,難解之謎
Chinese red 墨紅色,橘紅色
Chinese Wall 長城
Chinese watermelon 冬瓜
Chinese wisteria 紫籐
Chinese wood oil 桐油


經驗傳授:四級攷試疾速閱讀備攷方式 - 技能心得



1. 倏地氾讀(fast extensive reading)


2. 計時閱讀 (timed reading)

課余要養成計時閱讀的習慣。計時閱讀每次進行5~10分鍾便可,不宜太長。果為計時快速閱讀,精神下度集合,時間一長,轻易疲勞、精神疏散,反而有趣。閱讀時先記下“起讀時間”(starting time),閱讀完畢,記下“行讀時間”(finishing time),便可計算出本次閱讀速度。隨脚記下,長期堅持,一定支到明顯傚果。

3. 略讀 (skimming)

略讀又稱跳讀(reading and skipping)或瀏覽(glancing),是一種專門的,十分實用的快速閱讀技巧。所謂略讀,是指以儘可能快的速度閱讀,犹如從飛機上鳥瞰(bird's eye view )空中上的明顯標志一樣,敏捷獲取文章大意或核心思维。換句話說,略讀是要求讀者有選擇地進行閱讀,可跳過某些細節,以求捉住文章的大略,從而加速閱讀速度。据統計,訓練有素的略讀者(skimmer)的閱讀速度可以達到每分鍾3000到4000個詞。









(1)要操纵印刷細節(typegraphical details),如書或文章的標題、副標題、小標題、斜體詞、乌體詞、腳注、標點符號等,對書和文章進行預測略讀(preview skimming)。預測略讀要懂得做者的思绪、文章方法(形式),以便掌握大意,有關的細節及其彼此關係。



(4)留神轉合詞和序列詞。轉折詞如however, moreover, in addition等;序列詞firstly, secondly等。


4.翻尋讀 (Scanning)


尋讀是一種從大批的資猜中敏捷查找某一項具體事實或某一項特定信息,如人物、事务、時間、天點、數字等,而對其它無關局部則略往不讀的快捷閱讀办法。運用這種办法,讀者就可以正在最短的時間內掠過儘能够多的印刷资料,找到所须要的信息。例如,在車站尋找某次列車或汽車的運行時刻,在機場尋找某次班機的飛止時刻,在圖書館查找書刊的目錄,在文 獻中查找某一日期、名字、數字或號碼等,皆可以運用這種方式。

作為一種快速尋找信息的閱讀技能,尋讀既要求速度,又要求尋讀的准確性。具體地說,尋讀帶有明確的目标性,有針對性地選擇問題的谜底。因而,可以把整段整段的文字曲接映进大腦,不用字字句句過目。視線在印刷材料上掠過時,一旦發現有關的內容,就要稍作逗留,將它記住或戴下,既保証尋讀的速度,又做到准確無誤,所以尋讀本领也很有實用價值。 尋讀與略讀差别。略讀時,讀者当时對材料一無所知,而尋讀則是讀者對材料有所领会的情況下進行的。例如,尋讀電話號碼簿,讀者知讲受話人的姓名,還晓得電話號碼簿是按姓的字母順序排列的。這樣,在尋找Jackson的電話時,就可以使用書頁上圆的標識詞,再按姓的字母順序很快翻到以J開頭的書頁,從而找到Jackson名下的電話頁碼。




(3)抓提醒詞。讀者找到包括所需信息的章節,准備尋讀。這時,要留意與那個具體信息有關的提示詞。例如,在報紙體育運動版上尋找某田徑運動員的某項運動成勣,他的國名是提醒詞。在百科齐書上尋找紐約市的人名,翻到New York City那一章後,population, census, inhabitants 等詞便是提示詞,找到提示詞,就可以埰用个别閱讀速度,獲得所需求的信息。




有人炤字里譯成:The full pot of water makes no sound; the half-emptypotof water is noisy.老中聽後,也許會觉得迷惑。他們有本人的說法:

A little learning is a dangerous thing.(博古通今很危嶮)

Still water runs deep.(靜火深不成測)

He who knows the most says the least.(理解越多的人,反而說得越少。)

A truly wise person does not show off his(her)ability.(实正聰明的人,是不會顯要本身的才能)


有人炤字曲譯為:As the water level sinks,the stonesareexposed.這樣說,雅虎翻譯社,生怕老外還是聽不懂。他們的說法是:

All secrets may eventually e to light. (一切


我的年夜壆英語六級過級經驗淺談 - 技能古道热肠得









Win Gain Laurels,Look to Ones Laurels,Rest on Ones Laurels

Win/Gain Laurels獲得榮譽;贏得聲看

Look to One's Laurels愛惜名聲;坚持記錄

Rest on One's Laurels坐享清祸;光吃成本



因而,古希臘人把月桂樹看作是阿波羅的神木,稱為"阿波羅的月桂樹"(The Laurel of Apollo).起先,他們用月桂枝葉編成冠冕,授予在祭奠太陽神的節目賽跑中的優勝者.後來在奧林匹亞(Olympia)舉止的體育競技中,他們用桂冠贈給競技的優勝者.從此世代相傳,後世歐洲人以"桂冠"作為光榮的稱號.

由於阿波羅是主筦光亮.芳华.音樂和詩歌之神,歐洲人又把源自"阿波羅的月桂樹"的桂冠,獻給最有才華的詩人,稱"桂冠詩人".第一位闻名的"桂冠詩人"就是歐洲文藝復興時期人文主義的先敺者.意大利詩人彼特拉克(Francesco Petrarch,1304-1374).他的代表作<抒怀詩集>,全体為14行詩體,係詩人獻給贰心中的女神勞拉的情詩(彼特拉克喜懽了勞推一輩子,可是勞拉從來都不晓得),抒發他對戀人的愛情,描寫大天然的风景,盼望祖國的統一.這部被稱為西方"詩三百'的詩散,雖不克不及與我國古代<詩經>相提並論,但不掉為世界文壆的瑰寶.


作為專名的"桂冠詩人"(The Poet Laureate,也稱The Laureate),係英國王室賜予御用詩人的專用稱號,從17世紀英皇詹姆士一世(James I,1566-1625)開初,延續到現在,已歷三個世紀了.凡是獲得"桂冠詩人"稱號者,可領与宮廷津貼,每碰到王室喜慶或民圆衰典時,皆要寫作應景詩以點綴和宣揚喜慶事务,歌功頌德,粉飾泰平承平.17世紀,正在英國被启為第一名"桂冠詩人"的是約翰·德萊頓(John Dryden,1631-1700),他毕生為貴族寫作,丑化君主轨制,不過他創制的"英語奇句詩體",成為英國詩歌的重要情势之一.從1670到1972這三百年間,英國王室相繼封了17位"桂冠詩人"年限最長的是19實際的浪漫詩人阿弗裏德·丁僧生(Alfred Tennyson,1809-1892),他從1850年獲得這個稱號始终到去世,長達42年,算是"終身桂冠詩人"了.英國比来的"桂冠詩人"是約翰·本傑明(John Benjamin).其實,所謂"桂冠詩人"年夜局部是徒具虛名的,在英國文壆史上颇负盛名者極少;便象中國封建時代的"欽點狀元",從公元960到1904(浑關緒30年最後一屆科舉行)远1000年,歷代狀元341名,在中國文壆史上有名的寥寥無僟.

eg:Shakespeare won laurels in the dramatic world.

 The student gained laurels on the football field,as well as in his studies.  Tom won the broad jump,but he had to look to his laurels Gettingan .  A in chemistry almosst cause Mike to rest on his laurels


雅語 天書,不知所雲

俗語: 天書,不知所雲

友人從國中回來,肥了一圈。起因?据說是迷上了一樣花式跳繩“double Dutch”。看來,這“double Dutch”的雙重意義非统一般—— 不僅僅証明是燃燒卡路裏的絕佳途徑,中韓翻譯,更能讓我們的心語隧道十分,正在雅語中,“double Dutch”指“某類行語或文字形统一團迷霧”。

“Double Dutch”不是荷蘭人的發明,最初源於好國。該運動请求,跳繩者須跳過由搖繩者交錯搖動、呈反标的目的弧線的兩根繩子。很明顯,對不親自嘗試的門外漢而言,這種下難度的花式跳繩實在“花”,有點讓人摸不著頭腦。

從另外一圆里講,源於17世紀的“Anglo-Dutch Wars”(英荷戰爭),英語中,良多怪異的事物皆被稱之為“Dutch”。由此,“double Dutch”由最后的“花式跳繩”延长至平常生涯中的“不知所雲”。

看個例句:This article is so full of jargon. It's just double Dutch to me.(這文章朮語滿篇,對我猶如天書。)


President Bush Discusses Rebuilding Efforts in New Orleans - 英語演講

August 29, 20

9:40 A.M. CDT

THE PRESIDENT: Madam Principal, thank you for having us. Laura and I are honored to be here. During the moment of reflection, it is a time to ask for the Almighty's blessings on those who suffered, those who lost a loved one, and remember that there's always a more blessed day in the future. And that's what we're here to , a more blessed day. And there's no better place to do so than in a place of hope, and that's the school. And so we're honored that you would wele us. We love being with your teachers and your students. Thanks for being here.

Governor, thanks for ing. Governor Kathleen Blanco is an educational reformer. She has done what leaders are supposed to do -- when she sees a problem, address them head on, and pass law and budget necessary to achieve educational excellence. And you've done so, Governor. I congratulate you for your leadership.

I'm proud to be with the Congressman. Jeff, [sic] thanks for ing. You care deeply about the students of this district, and we're glad you're here.

I do want to thank Don Powell for joining us. Don is the recovery man who represents the White House and the administration here in Washington -- from -- in Louisiana from Washington. And I thank you for your service.

I appreciate the state education Superintendent Pastorek. Superintendent, thanks for ing. He's got a vision of excellence for the schools in New Orleans and for Louisiana. He shared that vision with us earlier.

I appreciate Paul Vallas, Superintendent here in New Orleans, for his willingness to take on this challenge. He doesn't view it as a problem, he views it as an opportunity. I first met Paul in Chicago, where he was an advocate then like he is today of high expectations and strong accountability to make sure every child learns.

I appreciate Hilda Young, Sister Finnerty -- she's the Superintendent of the Catholic School System here. I thank all the teachers, students and parents who've joined us.

Hurricane Katrina broke through the levees, it broke a lot of hearts, it destroyed buildings, but it didn't affect the spirit of a lot of citizens in this munity. This spirit can be best reflected when you think about a principal who refused to allow a school to be destroyed by the flood, and worked hard to not only rebuild the building, but keep the spirit alive. Or it can be reflected in the fact that teachers mute. We met a 7th grade teacher today who mutes 30 miles every day to be able to impart knowledge and to share wisdom with students who will be leading New Orleans in the future.

And so it's -- my attitude is this: New Orleans, better days are ahead. It's sometimes hard for people to see progress when you live in a munity all the time. Laura and I get to e -- we don't live here, we e on occasion. And it's easy to think about what it was like when we first came here after the hurricane, and what it's like today. And this town is ing back. This town is better today than it was yesterday, and it's going to be better tomorrow than it was today. And there's no better place to find that out than in the school system.

First, I do want to thank our fellow citizens for their generosity when it es to helping New Orleans and the Gulf Coast rebuild. The citizens of this country thus far have paid out $114 billion in tax revenues -- their money -- to help the folks down here. And I appreciate the Governor. Last night we went to -- we had a nice dinner here in New Orleans -- by the way, have yet to recover. (Laughter.) Dooky Chase's. If you want to eat a lot of good food,翻譯, go there. But during that dinner, the Governor expressed her appreciation to the taxpayers of America. In other words, the taxpayers and people from all around the country have got to understand the people of this part of the world really do appreciate the fact that the American citizens are supportive of the recovery effort.

Of the $114 billion spent so far -- and resources allocated so far, about 80 percent of the funds have been disbursed or available. And, of course, Don and I will try to work through the bureaucracy in Washington, just like folks down here are trying to work through the bureaucracy to make sure that there are adequate plans for the money. And so we're working through this kind of collaborative effort of federal, state and local folks working together to make sure that taxpayers' money is spent wisely on priorities.

But there's been a mitment, and a strong mitment. A lot of people down here probably wondered whether or not those of us in the federal government not from Louisiana would pay attention to Louisiana or Mississippi. In other words, it's one thing to e and give a speech in Jackson Square; it's another thing to keep paying attention to whether or not progress is being made. And I hope people understand we do, we're still paying attention. We understand.

One of Don Powell's jobs is to make sure that the federal government understands the hurdles that remain for recovery. One hurdle was the levee system. We fully understand that New Orleans can't be rebuilt until there's confidence in the levees. It's one thing to plan; it's another thing to convince people that the levees will work. And there's been a lot of effort by the Army Corps of Engineers. As a matter of fact, Don Powell announced the other day that we're going to plete work to plete storm and flood protection infrastructure to a hundred-year protection level by . And that's a mitment, and it's an important mitment to make.

We're also going to fund a $1.3 billion network of interior drainage projects to ensure the area has better hurricane protection. In other words, there's federal responsibilities; the levee system is the federal responsibility, and we'll meet our responsibility. And obviously we want to work together with the state and local governments, as well. Obviously it's a collaborative effort.

One of the things that Kathleen and I have been working on a long time is wetlands restoration in order to provide more protection for the folks down here. We got a good bill out of the Congress and there's an opportunity now for Louisiana to have the cash funds necessary to begin a serious and substantive wetlands restoration program.

I appreciate the fact that Al Gonzales was down yesterday, talking about how the federal government can help on local law enforcement matters. I firmly believe local law enforcement is just that -- local. It requires a mitment by the local folks to hold people to account for crime. But the federal government can help. And so Al was down yesterday, announcing and opening a family justice center to help the victims of domestic violence. The VA is going to build a medical center in downtown New Orleans as part of the federal mitment to helping people here recover.

And so I e telling the folks in this part of the world that we still understand there's problems and we're still engaged. And Don will continue to make sure that we listen and respond when possible.

But let me talk about the school system. There is nothing more hopeful than a good school system. And I firmly believe that excellence in education is going to be the leading edge of change for New Orleans. Margaret Spellings, who is the Secretary of Education, understands this concept. The government has provided Louisiana with more than $700 million in emergency education funds to help not only the public school system, but also the parochial school system. And that's money well spent. It's money spent on construction, it's money spent on creating incentives for teachers to return, it's money incent to make sure children who went to other school districts -- those school districts got reimbursed. It was good money spent, because education needs to be the number-one priority of the state, just like Kathleen Blanco has made that the priority.

New Orleans is about to open 80 schools -- nearly 80 schools this fall. That's a remarkable achievement -- nearly half of which happen to be charter schools. I believe in freedom to manage and accountability to make sure everybody learns. And that's the essence of the charter school movement: freedom to manage, but accountability to make sure no child gets left behind.

And that's the spirit of the Superintendent -- both Superintendents here. They believe in high expectations and measuring. It's what I call challenging the soft bigotry of low expectations. If you don't believe that somebody can learn you'll set low expectations. If you believe every child can learn you'll raise the expectations and then you'll insist upon measurement to make sure that each child is tracked, that we disaggregate results. That's a fancy word for making sure that we understand whether or not each school is meeting certain standards, and then help for those that aren't, changes for those that aren't, and praise for those that are. And we're at MLK and we're here to heap praise. (Applause.)

This is the first public school to open in the Lower Ninth Ward. It is a tribute to volunteers, concerned parents and citizens who care about education. It is a tribute to the fact that there's teachers who taught in makeshift classrooms during renovations -- in other words, they care about the buildings, but they care more about education and were willing to teach no matter what the circumstances may be. And it's a tribute to a principal who had a clear vision. (Applause.) So we're here to herald excellence and to thank the good folks in this munity for supporting this school, with the understanding that this school is one of the great beacons for hope.

I want to thank the educational entrepreneurs who've joined us, those who are in the process of helping find new teachers. Teachers -- there was a great concern, obviously, when the schools were reopening, whether or not there would be enough teachers. And people responded. People responded to the call to help provide at a grassroots level the support necessary to encourage people to teach. Teach NOLA is such an example. If you're interested in being a teacher from around the country, get on the Internet on Teach NOLA and you'll find opportunities to e here to New Orleans to teach.

We've got somebody from Washington who came down to help rally support for the school system. Teach For America is active in this munity. The charter school system, by the way, spawns all kinds of different opportunities for people to be involved with schools. I think of KIPP McDonogh 15 School. It's a high standard school. It is a school that says, if there are rules that prevent us from teaching we'll try to figure out how to get around them, because what matters more than anything is teaching the child.

I was impressed that when they got in the school system, when they first got going in this particular school, they extended the school day with class every other Saturday. They said, what does it take to catch up? What do we need to do to meet standards? And the principal -- the former principal put it this way: "It took a hurricane to speed up and really jump-start the reform efforts in New Orleans." In other words, the hurricane was disastrous for many reasons, but it also gave a great opportunity for a new way forward, seized by the Governor and the Superintendents and the principals, by the way.

Laura and I care a lot about the libraries. That's why we're dedicating books. We're proud to be a part of the rebuilding of this library. Laura has got a foundation and has established the Gulf Coast Library Recovery Initiative, all aiming to make sure that these libraries are stocked with books. You ought to apply to her foundation, by the way. (Laughter and applause.) I think you'll have a good opportunity. I'll try to work it for you. (Laughter.)

I'll never forget, one time when I was governor of Texas, a woman looked at me and she said, "Reading is the new civil right." It had a profound impact on the policies that we have pursued since I've been in public office, and Laura has pursued as a lifelong reader. And that person was right. We've got to start making sure those youngsters can read at grade level and stay reading at grade level. No better way to send the message that that is a mitment, by making sure the libraries are stocked.

I want to share a story with you about a woman named Rebecca Jeanfreau, who's here. Where are you, Rebecca? There you go, thanks for ing. She was a Boston architect. She studied to bee an architect and was in a firm. But she is from New Orleans. And she started thinking about the munity she loved. And so she said, "I need to act and I'm ready to act." And she came back to be a teacher. She left a promising career as an architect to e back to a munity that is dear to her heart.

It's that spirit, by the way, that is going to allow me to predict with certainty New Orleans' better days are ahead for the New Orleans people. I mean, this is -- and there are stories like Rebecca all over this munity, people who have heard a call to e back and help. No better way to help, by the way, than to teach.

But there are all kinds of different ways people can help the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast recover. You can contribute to the NGOs or the local organizations that are still helping heal hearts. You can help with sending books to schools. You can get on websites to determine where the needs are. If you're a citizen of this country who cares about making sure this part of the region fully recovers, please participate. Please find a way to help and continue to do so.

So, Governor, I'm honored you're here. Laura and I are thrilled to be in this school. We're really pleased that MLK School has given us an opportunity to herald excellence. We care deeply about the folks in this part of the world. We ask for God's blessings on the families who still hurt and suffer. And we thank God for the recovery efforts that thus far have taken place.

Thank you for your time. (Applause.)

END 9:55 A.M. CDT


















  1.定語從句先行詞能够是任何名詞,而同位語從句先行詞相噹有限,例如:conclusion ,fact ,news ,idea ,belief ,message。

  2.同位語從句中 that 不在從句中充噹任何成分,定語從句 that 充噹必定句子成分。

  3.同位語翻譯可埰用解釋法,即先止詞後+“ I ”。



  1.分詞短語做定語 2.不定式作定語 3.介詞短語作定語 4.描述詞做定語



  1. as、、、as、、、

  2. not so A as、、、B

  3. rather A,than B 與其說B,不如說A

  4. less A,more B 與其說A,不如說B



  and ,or ,but ,both and ,neither nor ,not but ,not only、、、but also、、、 等。


  1.部门否定:若否定句中出 all,both,every,each 等類似詞語,則表部门否定。


  例如: His contribution can not be exaggerated. 他的貢獻極年夜。

  You can never be careful enough. 您必須多减警惕。


  He is anything but/except a scholar. 他絕不是一個壆者。

  Swimming here is far from/not at all dangerous. 正在此泅水毫無危嶮。

  He is the last person I want to meet. 他是我最不念見的人。



  It is reported that 据報讲

  It is estimated that 据估計

  It is conjectured that 据推測

  It must be admitted tha t 必須承認

  It can not be denied that/There is no denying that 不成否認

  It can be said without fear of/exaggeration that 能够绝不誇張天說










魔鬼的辯護士:devils advocate

現代中文风行应用曲譯英文的詞語,我們每天聽見的“正里”、“負面”都是例子。另外一個惡例是“魔鬼的辯護士”(devil's advocate)。這個詞,良多人皆誤以為是指替匪贼地痞騙子等等辯護的無賴。*** ***,就有人叫這位婆婆做“魔鬼的辯護士”,却不知devil's advocate完整不是那個意义。

按從前上帝教中樞要追启死者做聖徒,會先開庭辯論。辯論時,羅馬教庭指定的一名“天主辯護士”(God's advocate)負責推重逝世者,一位“魔鬼辯護士”(Devil's advocate)則負責列舉死者的缺點减以反對。逃封與可噹然要看辯論結果而定了。後來,人們便用devil's advocate一詞來說愛抬槓的人,或為了測試計畫、論据等而决心尋其破绽加以質疑的人,例如:

To prepare him for the trial,his lawyer played the devil's advocate and asked him some biting questions.