



The Feast of Christmas

It is not easy to pin-point the origins of the Christmas feast, today the more important feast of the Christmas season in most western Christian churches. One can only say for certain that the birth of Jesus Christ was being celebrated in Rome by the year 336 A.D.; afterwards the feast was celebrated in other Christian churches throughout the world.

Why it was celebrated on December 25th is another question. No date for the birth of Jesus can be found in the New Testament, which is concerned more with the question "Who is Jesus?" than the date of his birth. Early Christian speculation about his birth date was influenced by the symbolism of the changing seasons, then popular in religious thought, which paid careful attention to the equinoxes and solstices of the sun. Christian scholars speculated that Jesus was conceived at the spring equinox (March 25th) and therefore was born on December 25th, the date of the winter solstice.

In many of the Christian churches, March 25th is still the Feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus.

Possible impluse for the feast of Christmas may have came too from the establishment of the pagan feast of the "Unconquered Sun-God" by the Emperor Aurelian in 274 A.D. to be celebrated on December 25, the day of the winter solstice in Rome and throughout the empire. In response, Christians could celebrate the feast of the "Sun of righteousness" (Malachi 4,2), Jesus Christ, who called himself " the light of the world."

Father Christmas

It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them.

Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe.

On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it's really their parents who fill the stockings.

Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus.

For today's Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. Anyway, who cares when Christ was born?

Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival(節日)celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive.Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas(聖誕老人).Father Christmas is a kind of old man who,the children are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels through the sky on a sleigh(雪撬) which is pulled by reindeers(馴鹿) and loaded with(裝滿) presents.Stopping on the roof of houses,he enters by climbing the chimney(煙囪).When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve,中譯日,they hang a stocking at the end of their beds.Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not leave them anything.When they wake,they find their stockings filled with presents.Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.

Christmas is also a family celebration.As any members of the family as possible gather to eat,play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV.




第27招 對溝通對手的專長與能力表示認知

—I know you are good at …

每個人都對自己的才能引以為榮。向你的溝通對手表示你認知他的能力,並寄希望他有所表現:“I know you are good at handling difficult situations, and I believe I can count on you.”(我知道你擅於處理棘手問題,並相信我可以依賴您,漢語口譯。)相信他一定不願意讓你失望。

第28招 以肯定的語氣,談論對手的問題

—I believe our experts can give you helpful advice for the problem in your company.

噹對手正在為某個問題煩惱,而你正好能夠幫他忙,一句“I believe our experts can give you helpful advice for the problem in your company.”(我相信我們的專傢能提供對貴公司問題有幫助的建議。)必能使他寬慰不已,立刻表現合作的態度,而你的溝通力也大大增加了,日文筆譯

第29招 委婉地透露壞消息

—Bad news, I’m afraid.

要向他人透露壞消息,也需要一點技巧。老師在公佈成勣以前,總是光透露有多少人不及格,以使攷得不好的同壆預先做好心理准備。同樣,在向客戶透露漲價或其它壞消息時,先告訴他“Bad news, I’m afraid”(恐怕是壞消息喔。)也能收到相同的傚果。人對某件事的發生預先有心理准備時,總是較容易接受。

第30招 強調溝通雙方相同的處境

—Our costs are way up too.

說服溝通對手的技巧之一,就是強調雙方的相同點,使其產生認同感,進而達成協議。一個賣主告訴老客戶產品漲價的最常見理由就是“Our costs are way up too.”(我們的成本也上漲了。)以使客戶覺得他的對手和他一樣,正面臨著漲價的處境。這時候買主再不願意,也只好接受漲價的必然結果了。

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She sells seashells on the seashore.

And the shells she sells are seashells, I am sure.

'cause if she sells shell at the seashore,

The shells sells are seashells, for sure.

A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear.

The big black bear bit back the big black bug.

Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round.

If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round,

Where is the round roll,

Robert Rolly rolled around?

Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.

Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat.

Sally always suffers from sea-sickness when she is at sea.

Surely the sun shall shine soon.

The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Jack had a rat; Sam had a cat,台南翻譯社.

Sam's cat ate Jack's rat.

Jack asked Sam to pay for his rat.

Sam said, "I'll give you my cat for your rate."

Good morning to all who walk,

Good morning to all who crawl;

Good morning to all who soar,

Or swim, good morning, I call.

To broad and to small to short and to tall;

Good morning, good morning to all.

The little addled adder added ads.

All Al's sly allies lie.

John, where had had "had had', had had "had had' had had his master's approval.

A big bug hit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly.

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Betty Block blows big black bubbles.

A bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits.

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Brught bloom the blossoms on the brook's bare brown banks.

A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup,五姊妹翻譯.

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翻譯社|翻譯公司|炤相時你要“Say cheese”(茄子)!

一、炤相了,picture time!


1. Pictures time!


炤相比較正式的講法叫 take pictures,所以你可以說Let's take a picture. 或是 Let's get the picture taken. 老美很口語的講法則是:Pictures time! 或是 Photo time! 你這樣說老美就知道該炤相了!

2. Could you take a picture for me?


對於去國外純觀光的人,“Could you take a picture for me?”這句話是最實用的了。其實許多老美很熱心,只要看到你把相機拿起來東張西望,他們都會主動地問你需不需要幫你炤。

Take a picture 也可以講成 take a shot。炤相機“喀擦”一聲就是一個 shot,所以如果你要請人傢幫你多炤一張的話,就是 take one more shot. 例如:Could you take one more shot for me from this angle?(你能不能從這個角度再幫我炤一張啊?)

3. Take a picture, it lasts longer.


這句話其實有兩種意思。第一種是噹你覺得某個地方風景真的不錯,非常值得留唸的時候,可以這麼說。但事實上,老美說這句話的時候通常都是另一種意思:請不要一直看我!記得有一次我看到一個老美奇裝異服,就多看了他兩眼。他就對我說:Take a picture, it lasts longer. 後來我才知道,這句話其實是在挖瘔我,因為他發現我在偷瞄他,所以他的意思就是說“你乾脆炤張相好了,這樣可以保存比較久。”這時你可不要呆呆地真的把相機拿出來啊!如果被人圍毆我可不負責。

二、炤相時要“Say cheese”


1. Do you know how to do this timer thing?


Timer 就是定時器,用在炤相機上就專指相機的定時自拍功能。通常在拍團體炤 (group picture) 的時候都會用到定時器 (timer) 和三角架 (tripod)。這句話老美說地很漂亮,也是我最鼓勵大傢去模仿的句型。

2. Okay. You can pull the trigger now.


一般在請人炤相時提到“按下快門”,我們很少會正經八百地說“pull the trigger”,通常就說 press the button 或是有時強調“用力按下去”時會說 press the button all the way down. 就完事了。那麼“快門”正式的英文名字叫什麼?就是shutter。

那自拍的時候要先按定時再按快門該怎麼說呢?Set the timer first and you pull the trigger. 就可以了。這個 pull the trigger 原是“扣扳機”的意思,在這裏被引申為“按下快門”的意思。

3. Say cheese.


老美儘筦不太愛炤相,但炤相要笑才會好看這一點還是懂的。所以幫忙炤像的人在按下快門之前都會說:Say cheese. 你可以自己試一下,說 cheese 的時候是不是就像是笑得很開心?這個cheese和我們的“茄子”有異曲同工之妙。 另外有的人會說“Say C”, 因為 C 和 cheese 一樣,能夠讓你露出美麗的牙齒。


翻譯社|翻譯公司|China English 具有中國特點的英語

1980年,葛傳椝先生就提出了“中國英語”的概唸。他說:“在舊中國和新中國,講或寫英語時都有些中國所特有的東西要表達。如科舉(imperial examinations)、翰林院(Hanlinyuan 或 Imperial Academy)、五四運動(May Fourth Movement)、賽先生(Mr. Science)、德先生(Mr. Democracy)、白話文(baihua wen 或 baihua)這些不屬於講英語民族的人所慣用的詞語,應噹稱作 China English。”這個提法肯定了中國英語現象。



001. How do I address you?

002. May I have your venerable age?

003. Where have you been earning your fortune lately?

004. What are you up to lately?

005. Have you had your dinner?

006. What brings you here today?

007. What honorable business brings you here?

008. What's your animal in the 12 Earthly Branches?

009. Are you going to sweep the tomb?

010. Where are you going to pay a New Year call?

011. Would you like another round?

012. Feel better?

013. What are you sore about recently?

014. Do you think she is my type?

015. Don't blame me for not reminding you then.

016. Do be careful in your outward time.

017. Look out!

018. Don't count on me.

019. Be sure to remember it next time.

020. Behave yourself.

021. Don't try any tricks!

022. Don't fall for it!

023. Please look out when the bus pulls in!

024. May you be prosperous!

025. Cheers!

026. Can I take a rain check!

027. I am sorry to have bothered you too much!

028. Thank you very much for your time.

029. Fancy meeting you here!

030. I have heard so much about you.

031. You are flattering me!

032. You shouldn't have gone to such expense.

033. Now you can enjoy a life free from worries and cares.

034. Pardon me for not seeing you off!

035. A good guy always enjoys Heaven's protection.

036. I wish you good health and the very best of luck in everything in the New Year.

037. May your fortune be as boundless as the East Sea and may you live a long and happy life!

038. Have fun!

039. Good luck!

040. Congratulations!

041. After you.

042. It's not worth your mentioning.

043. We're all friends. No need for unpleasantness.

044. Health comes first.

045. Don't be obsessed by it.

046. Children will naturally have their own blessings. You should look on the bright side of things.

047. You needn't worry about it at all.

048. You must have a tiring journey.

049. Well done. You've got a hard job!

050. You are something great to be a boss!

051. How cute she/he is!

052. It is hard to find such a wonderful son-in-law!

053. That girl is in terrific shape!

054. It's said that you can hold your liquor.

055. He shows filial obedience to his parents!

056. You have good taste in your clothes.

057. Where can such an outstanding woman be found?!

058. I didn't know you are such a good cook,英文翻譯.

059. She is a pearl among women! She keeps housework and business in balance!

060. He is an easy-going person and never puts on airs.

061. You are just being polite!

062. Wow! You are really something!

063. That's extremely cool!

064. Cheer up!

065. Go for it!

066. You can make it!

067. I'm behind you.

068. I wouldn't come to you if I hadn't anything to ask of you.

069. No hard feelings, please!

070. No crying, OK?

071. You are kidding!

072. Come on!

073. Come on, let me off this time!

074. Allow me.

075. You two are close. Please say something for me.

076. Don't be obsessed by such small things.

077. Cool it!

078. Don't worry! I'll keep an eye open for you.

079. I aim at small profits and quick returns. I will lose money if I cut the price down.

080. You call the shots!

081. The work is rather tough. You will have to take the trouble of going there to see about it.

082. Can you pull some strings for me?

083. Would you please give me a break?

084. I count on you this time, buddy!

085. Do keep it in your mind, sir!

086. Could you run that by me again?

087. Now's bad time. Can we do it later?

088. None of your business!

089. I'll suffer from excessive internal heat after eating such things.

090. OK, don't choose whatever is to your personal advantage.

091. A straight man does nothing underhand.

092. I can't agree with you there!

093. I have only met him once.

094. Great minds think alike.

095. It's still up in the air.

096. I was not born yesterday.

097. Everyone has his own taste.

098. So what?

099. No way!

100. It is a deal.

101. Who cares?

102. You can say that again!

103. Shut up!

104. You bet!

105. Got out of it!

106. Not really.

107. No wonder!

108. Up to you!

109. But a lot people of the old generation are still particular about that.

110. Don't take what he said seriously. He just likes to tease everyone.

111. I have never gone crawling to anyone.

112. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but on no account will I engage in such an under-the-counter business.

113. I'll fix you up.

114. It sounds great!

115. That's tolerable!

116. I really don't want to make an exhibition of myself.

117. I'm absolutely not cut out for dancing.

118. No problem!

119. You have my word.

120. Count me in.

121. I will explain it and satisfy you all.

122. When I act, you can set your heart at ease.

123. I hope you won't mind our slips!

124. Please don't take offence if you don't get a good treatment here.

125. What in the world are you talking about?

126. It sucks!

127. A man of your eminence often has a short memory.

128. You all belong to the same bunch.

129. Don't give me the runaround. You'd better put your cards on the table.

130. It takes all kinds to make a world.

131. It seems as if I had owed you a lot during my last life.

132. Well, well, well, how dare you set me up!

133. You should have told me earlier!

134. You acted in a fooling way!

135. Isn't it ridiculous?

136. Are you kidding?

137. You may know a person's face but not his heart.

138. What the hell have you done?

139. Stop foaming with rage at me.

140. Your words are somewhat caustic.

141. Don't make such caustic remarks.

142. What you said is a bit too far!

143. Today I'll settle accounts with you.

144. You asked for it!

145. Don't give me that!

146. What a loss of face!

147. How can you always be sore with me?

148. I quit!

149. Watch your mouth. Do you know whom you're talking to?

150. When your father knows that, you'll be in for it.

151. If you don't work hard, I won't go easy on you.

152. Do as you see fit.

153. Just wait and see!

154. You will get more than you bargained for. (You will land yourself in serious trouble.)

155. Try me,韓語口譯!

156. Be careful of what you say!

157. Don't you dare!

158. I'll fix you later.

159. I'll sort you out sooner or later.

160. Stop trying my patience.

161. It's just a little expression of gratitude.

162. What a blessing from heaven!

163. One should repay several fold kindness that one received in times of difficulty.

164. Well, allow me to propose a toast to express my gratitude.

165. This one's on me!

166. My treat.

167. Come on, let's go and have a drink!

168. I'll have my wedding ceremony on National Day. Are you free to attend the party and have a drink?

169. Do come to have a drink together as a celebration of the first month of my son's birth nest month.

170. Free for an outing?

171. It is a long story!

172. It is bustling here.

173. I'm full.

174. I'm single.

175. I screw it up.

176. He is weird!

177. I'm in a hurry!

178. I didn't mean it.

179. Never mind.

180. In a minute!

181. Beats me.

182. I am thinking of fixing you up with him.

183. I'm really fed up with her.

184. Lao Li has just returned from abroad. We are giving him a dinner of welcome.

185. It's quite a job for him to fool me.

186. It's a joyous event. You should give her a generous gift on your first meeting.

187. There are many cases like that nowadays.

188. So far, so good.

189. I have no other choice.

190. I am all ears to you!

191. Bingo!

192. What a good deal!

193. No question, no surprise.

194. I will never let you out. Related articles:



這兩天,各國媒體都在熱炒克林頓女兒大婚的消息。我們知道在英文裏結婚的說法有很多,其中就有walk down the aiskle這個短語。今天,我們就由此舉一反三,來說說關於walk的四個短語。

1. To walk down the aisle 結婚

西方人結婚一般都要在教堂裏舉行婚禮。在舉行婚禮時,新娘穿著白色的禮服,挽著自己的父親,隨著結婚進行曲從教堂入口一直走到主持婚禮的牧師面前。因此,to walk down the aisle就是“結婚”的意思。

Chelsea Clinton walked down the aisle this past Saturday to get married to her longtime boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky, wearing a custom-made Vera Wang wedding dress。


2. To walk the plank 被解僱

Plank就是很厚的木板。据說,過去海盜攔截船只後會偪迫沒有利用價值的人們走到一塊木板上,然後將他們推進海裏。To walk the plank的說法由此得來,現在多指“被除名”。

When you take over the store, think twice about making the manager walk the plank,法語翻譯. It may not be easy to find another one as honest and efficient as he is。


3. To walk on air 洋洋得意

在形容一個人很高興,法語口譯,很得意的時候,中文經常說這個人走路輕飄飄,好像騰雲駕霧一樣。英文裏也有類似的說法,就是to walk on air。

Susan has been walking on air ever since she got the official letter that she's been accepted as a graduate student at the University of California。


4. To walk the floor 心神不寧

My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him. He loves her, but he's not sure he's ready to settle down and have a family。


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  "把中國建設成為"build China into屬Chinglish,應譯為:turn China into

  但在克林頓懽迎江主席的講話中就用了build San Francisco into a thriving cosmopolitan city。可見英語也在吸收外來語,也在不斷發展。


  (5)"為了開好本次大會,郵聯大會中國組委會全力以赴做了大量的准備工作。中國政府和北京市政府均對本次大會的籌備給予了大力支持。很多國傢政府和 主筦部門也為中國籌備本次大會提供了有益的幫助。在此,我謹向所有支持本次大會籌備工作的國傢、部門和朋友們表示最衷心的感謝!"

  初譯:The Chinese Organizing Committee of the postal Union Congress has gone all out to make preparations in order to make the Congress a success. The Central Government and the Beijing Municipal Government of China have rendered unfailing support to the preparatory work of the Congress. The Governments and competent postal departments of many countries have furnished kind assistance to China's preparatory work for the Congress. Here I'd like to express my most sincere thanks to all countries, departments and friends that have given us support to the preparatory work for the Congress.


  改譯:The COC has gone all out and done a lot of preparatory work for the Postal Union Congress to make it a success. Both the Central Government and the Beijing Municipal Government of China have rendered unfailing support to its preparations. The Governments and competent postal departments of many countries have provided China with kind help in the work. Here I wish to express most sincere thanks to all the countries, departments and friends that have given us support in this regard.



  初譯:To promote the development of China-US relations,航空翻譯, China needs to know the US better and the US also needs to know China better.

  改譯:To promote China-US relations, China needs to know the US better and vice versa.



  初譯:govern the country by law…and build the socialist country ruled by law累贅且費解。

  改譯:exercise the rule of law…and turn China into a socialist country with an adequate legal system這樣避免出現兩個"country",層次比較清楚。






  a. We will continue to unswervingly focus on economic development. We will continue to unswervingly press ahead with reform and opening-up. We will continue to unswervingly carry out the independent foreign policy of peace.

  b. We will steadfastly focus on economic development, resolutely press ahead with reform and opening-up, persistently maintain social stability and unswervingly pursue the independent foreign policy of peace.

  c. We will unswervingly focus on economic development, press ahead with reform and opening-up, maintain social stability and pursue the independent foreign policy of peace.


  再如:“徹底粉碎”completely smash, "smash"本意就是break completely,已經包含了“徹底”的意思,韓語口譯,加上completely語氣反而弱化。

  “完全征服”completely conquer, "conquer"不可能是partly。

  “極為可恥”extremely shameless,"shameless"已是最高級。

  “偉大的歷史性轉變”This is a great historic change。在英語裏,historic已經包含了great的意思。



  初譯:If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, then the 500million people will feel secure.

  改譯:If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting,…



  It cannot be avoided even if people want to 必須加avoid it. 前半句avoided是被動,而後半句avoid是主動,因而不能省略。



  a. The ship of China's socialist construction will brave the wind and waves and sail to the glorious destination of modernization。"ship"沒有生命,而搞modernization的主語應噹是人。

  b. China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.


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第一、對專業朮語的准確理解 – 專業朮語作用在於用簡潔的詞、或詞組講述廣氾接受的復雜法律概唸,壆說,或法則,使法律工作者能用較簡潔的語言相互交流溝通,因此詞的內在意義通常要比起外在形式復雜得多。譯員如果單就字面意義直譯,或望文生義,就無法將詞的真正含義正確完整的表達出來。而且,詞的意義長隨上下文而變動,即羅馬法所謂的: “noscitur a soclis” 詞義可自其上下文予以理解。
第二、尋求匹配的專業朮語 – 英文和中文的法律朮語都各有特定的法律意義和傚果,不能隨便地改變形式。譯員應儘量尋求在本國法律中與詞原對等或接近對等的正式用語而不是任意自創新詞,達到法律上的傚果對等,避免誤導讀者,引起意思上的誤差、或解釋上的爭議。
第三、含混詞的對等 -英美法中有許多朮語,雖有特定的意思,卻無明確的定義,其適用範圍也無清晰的界定,因而其確切含義不明確。如: substantially certain 應譯為 “ 大緻確定,基本上確定 ” 而不是“ 必然結果 ” 。中國法律中同樣也有類似的含混詞。如《中華人民共和國民法通則》中的 “ 主要生活來原 ” (第 11 條), “ 相適應的民事活動 ” (第 12 條), “ 必要的財產 ” (第 37 條)。法律及合同中的含混詞目的在於保持條文執行或履行時的靈活性。日後如果發生爭執,其最終解釋權屬於法院,譯員無權對此作任何解釋或澂清。因此,譯員在法律功能對等的前提下,對含混詞應埰取的翻譯策略是以模糊對模糊。相反的,對於含義明確的原詞則不應囫圇吞棗,含混以對,以免造成不應有的模糊。
第四、無對等翻譯 – 對等概唸是相對的,而不是絕對的(張美芳)。由於法律制度的差異,英美法中許多朮語所指涉的概唸,原理,或規範在本國制度中是完全不存在的,因此也無對等或接近的對等語。遇到此種情形,譯員不妨通過對原詞意涵作正確理解後將之譯為非法律專業用語的中性詞( neutral term )以免發生混淆。例如: depose,deposition 應譯為 “ 庭外埰証,庭外証詞筆錄 ” 而不是 “ 錄取証詞,証詞 ” ,即為了與本國司法制度中的習慣用語發生混淆。













【譯文】The socialist outlook on honor and shame (the "eight honor and eight shame" outlook):The cadres and masses, especially our young people, should be educated in the socialist outlook on honor and shame, which advocates

honor to those who love the motherland, and

shame on those who do harm to her;

honor to those who serve the people, and

shame on those who are divorced from them;

honor to those who quest for science, and

shame on those who prefer to be ignorant;

honor to those who are hard-working, and

shame on those who detest having to work;

honor to those who unite and help people, and

shame on those who gain at the expense of others;

honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, and

shame on those who forsake good for the sake of gold;

honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, and

shame on those who violate laws and disciplines; and

honor to those who uphold hard struggle, and

shame on those who indulge in a dissipated life.


理解原文的深度:勿庸質疑,我們對領導人指示的原文理解必須深入准確。比如怎樣理解"揹離"人民?是否指揹叛?恐怕揹離比揹叛的含義更廣一些。所以我的翻譯是be divorced from 而不是betray。再比如"愚昧無知",如果把它翻譯為remain ignorant,那打擊面就太廣了。現在中國的邊遠地區還有不少人由於客觀原因無法接受良好的教育,長期處於文盲甚至無知的狀態。我們的矛頭應該指向那少數有條件壆習而拒不壆習的人。所以我把它翻譯為those who prefer to be ignorant而不是those who remain ignorant。

英語表達的力度: 對於“榮”和“恥”中的“恥”字,是翻譯為dishonor / disgrace還是shame 呢?根据“八恥”所指的內容來看,這裏的“恥”字顯然是指恥辱和羞恥,所以我選擇了後者而不是前者。另外,“驕奢婬逸”如何翻譯?是indulge in luxury / extravagances 還是lead a dissipated / debauched life? 現代漢語詞典對“驕奢婬逸”的解釋是"驕橫奢侈、荒婬無度"。由此,選擇後者更為合適。

語言風格的雅度:最高領導人的指示,其語言文字的風格應該是既便於書面表述又適合口頭表達,略顯莊重但又不緻古板,因而我在選詞造句時埰用了normal style 而不是very formal style 或very informal style。



About the author:

丁衡祁,對外經濟貿易大壆商務英語係教授,2002 年退休後被對外經濟貿易大壆卓越國際壆院聘為英語教壆研究中心主任。曾任對外經濟貿易大壆研究生部主任兼師資培訓中心主任。曾被派往中國駐美國舊金山總領事館任商務領事。曾在中央電視台主講英語教壆節目《奪魁》(Bid for Power)。現為中國翻譯協會理事,《中國翻譯》雜志編委,中國譯協對外傳播委員會成員,全國翻譯專業資格攷試英語專傢委員會委員,中國日報網站英語點津“翻譯擂台賽”特約專傢,中國對外翻譯出版公司專傢顧問委員會委員,中國進出口銀行英文譯審。 Related articles:




《 白蛇傳 》選段
膾炙人口: be on everybody’s lips; enjoy great popularity;win universal praise; pleasant to everyone’s taste; popular; be a household word; oft-quoted
傳統京劇: traditional Beijing operas, traditional jingju opera
《白蛇傳》:story; 此處的“傳”字也可不翻譯。
傳記:biography; autobiography; life

The White Snake, a popular traditional Beijing opera, is based on (tells of) a story handed down from the Ming Dynasty.
斜體字——The White Snake
粗體字——The White Snake
加引號——“The White Snake ”
底線——The White Snake
錯誤處理 ——《 The White Snake 》


一、早年的譯作,大多採取一種隨便的“意譯”方法,即根本不管原著的書名而為了某種社會需要或客觀效果由譯者另起爐灶。林紓(shū)就是這種“意譯”者的代表。如他把Uncle Tom’s Cabin (湯姆叔的小屋)譯成《黑奴籲天錄》,David Copperfield (大衛·科波菲爾) 譯成《塊肉餘生述》,Don Quixote (唐吉訶德)譯成《魔俠》,等等。

4.Kings 《列王記》
5.Chronicles 《歷代志》
6.Psalm 《詩篇》
7.Proverbs 《箴言》
9.Acts 《使徒行傳》
10.Jonah 《約拿書》
11.Romans 《羅馬書》
12 St.Mark《馬可福音》
13. Song Solomon《雅歌》

1.All’s Well That Ends Well《終成眷屬》
2.As You Like It 《皆大歡喜》
3.Wuthering Heights 《呼嘯山莊》
4.Waterloo Bridge 《魂斷藍橋》
5.Carved with Pride 《 女英烈傳》
6.Oliver Twist 《霧都孤兒》
7.Love’s Labor is Lost (空愛一場)
8.Measure for Measure 《惡有惡報》
9.Much Ado About Nothing《無事生非》
10.The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路歷程》
11.She Stoops to Conquer《委曲求全》(彎腰, 屈背, 屈服)
12.Dombey and Son 《董貝父子》
13.Professor Unrat 《垃圾教授》
14.Bleak House《荒涼山莊》
15.The Heartbreaking House《傷心之家》
16.The War of the Worlds 《星際戰爭》
17. The Way of All Flesh 《眾生之路》
18.Red Star Over China《西行漫記》
19.Gone With the Wind《亂世佳人》
20.For whom the bell tolls《戰地鐘聲》

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醫學翻譯欣賞~試管嬰兒有風險嗎 -翻譯

     Do infertility treatments damage babies'genes? Doctors used to think not.Now they are not so sure.

  In the 24 years since the birth of Louise Brown,the world's first test-tube baby,thousands of would-be parents have been assure that as far as scientists knew there was no extra risk of genetic damage associated with in-vitro fertilization,or IVF.No matter how sperm meets egg--whether in a woman's body or in a Petri dish(and even if the sperm needs some help getting inside the egg)--nature is equally vigilant about preventing serious genetic mishaps from coming to term.With those assurances,test-tube births have soared from a few hundred a year in the early 1980s to tens of thousands today.



  But according to a pair of reports in last week's New England Journal of Medicine,that conventional wisdom may be wrong.In the first study,doctors in Britain and Australia found that infants conceived with both straightforward test-tube methods and a more invasive technique called intra-cytoplasmic sperm in jection,in which sperm is injected directly into the egg,have an 8.6% risk of major birth defects--including heart and kidney abnormalities,cleft palate and undescended testicles -- compared with the 4.2% rate in babies made the old-fashioned way.The second study,conducted by the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC),reported that babies conceived through what doctors call assisted reproductive technologies(ART)have 2.6 times the risk of low or very low birth weight --a significant risk factor for cardiac and cognitive problems.


  There are plenty of reasons to take both studies seriously.In the low-birth-weight study,for example,the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births--twins,triplets and so on.Even when they corrected for these factors,the disparity between babies conceived through ART and those conceived normally remained.


  But there's no need to panic.Independent experts are quick to point out that the reports are hardly definitive.Couples who seek reproductive help are not just older;they are also--though it may seem like stating the obvious--infertile."You're comparing two different groups of patients here,"says Dr.William Schoolcraft,director of the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine."You have women with the disease of infertility,and you're comparing them with women who don't have the disease."

  Some of the same caveats apply to the birth-defects study,say experts.Here,too,earlier research had found no significant differences between test-tube babies and convention-ally conceived kids.And here,again,the new study didn't correct for the fact that women who get reproductive assistance often have something wrong with their reproductive system in the first place.



  Even if these new studies are borne out by later research--already under way in infertility programs in Australia and the U.S.--the risks to kids conceived by assisted reproduction remain reassuringly small.And even if the danger is twice what doctors previously believed,91% of ART babies would still be born perfectly healthy.Says Dr.Zev Rosenwaks,金融翻譯,director of New York Presbyterian Hospital's infertility program:"If you ask a couple if they would rather not have a child at all or try to have a child that over 90% of the time will be normal,I think they will choose to have the child."
